Friday, September 10, 2010

My places to hang out

Well, when I hang out with my friends, we used to visit places like pub, with music and food. We don't know so many places in Santiago, but some neighborhoods are well know by us, like Manuel Montt Street, Orrego Luco Street and Bellavista neighborhood. There are places with age differentiation, like Manuel Montt. Manuel Montt is a street with pubs and bars focused in people with ages between 25 to 35 years old. Meanwhile, Bellavista is a neighborhood with many -and when I said many, I mean "a lot"- pubs and bars, where we can served beers and chips at a lower cost than Manuel Montt Street. But, whereas the last street is a secure place to stay and have fun, Bellavista is a more dangerous place. Murders, fights between drunk people and people mugs by other, make the difference between Manuel Montt and Bellavista.
Orrego Luco Street, at Providencia

But there's a place so much secure, but so much expensive!! In fact, I've had visit that place twice and I go out without money in my pockets. I speak about Orrego Luco Street, placed at Providencia. Is a tiny street, where we can see about a 15 pubs, sushi bars, restaurants and bars. Some of them have included dance all night!
One of the good things of Orrego Luco Street is the tastes we can find there. So, no more if you taste a wine, or a good "pisco sour" or even a "tabla" (a mix of ingredients, like cheese, meat, mushroom and other items), you'll always can find the perfect ratio between the the tastier meat and wine, and price.
That's it!
Hope you'll get a good ride.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Tastes and smells from France

I have a dream.
One of the biggest dreams that anybody can have. Take a trip all over the world. But, I would like to visit a country especially: France.
Why? I don’t know. Maybe it would be because of its culture, its tradition or its language. But I always dream to walk into its parks, avenues and buildings.

France is unique. That says my history books and History Channel, at least. A friend told me that France is a melting pot of people, and the French people are complicated when the others don’t know their language. I think that is fascinating.
The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of France

So, if I travel –in a not very distant future- to France, I would like to know its museum and restaurant, especially from París. Then, I would like to travel to the coast, and take a trip along the French Atlantic. Later, I would like to go into the French Alpes, and know the culture inside the mountains. And, obviously, take a taste of its cheese.

If I visit France, I would work and travel at the same time, eat and touch all the things I could. Also, I will know a lot of people, have a lot of fun and…I don’t know.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My process

This is it. An entire semester writing a blog give me the opportunity to practice my english like a personal diary, where important parts of my life was put on the table, in a single way, like write this blog.
I enjoy a little bit this process, because I have not so much habit to write. I know I must do it, but sometimes is something impossible to me, because I not think in words. I think in pictures, images. So, is very difficult to me take that pictures on my head, and transform them into words. But, I know I will be a journalist in a near future, but I want to be a visual journalist, a web journalist.

Perhaps I have to say something.
Write this blog help me to familiarize with the practice of write english along the entire class. I know that write is the base of all the learning process. All of we have to learn when we was children was get some basics skills in read and write, because our world -a legacy from the antique Greece- was building and is being build by words. We describe the world by words, because -and this is the legacy- greek people thinks images was a lie and the words was the real things by the world can be represented.
Anyhow, now the world is build by images and not so much by word. This is a contradiction, I know. But, the world, as we know it, now is dominated by the mass media, and the entire press moved their contents from words to images, transforming the process of understanding the knowledge. All of this supported by the internet and the new type of media: social web.
And the new social web is build by images, audios and videos, all together, because people wants to show everything that they live in their lives. And that are experiencies, that are more than just words or images by separated things. People creates, into social media, info flows, merging feelings and reality. And more of they flow are pictures and videos, embed into pieces of words. That are called the new kind of text.
And that is what I try to say now. We are now embed into a world build with this kind of text, richful and complex.
That's why I don't write. I build texts, with images, videos and audios that says much more than a simple piece of words. Each picture, each video, each audio contains itself a lot of info, and as words are, it also are political ways to share individual worlds. No one of us are neutral. Our texts always haves a particular point of view, because we are political beings. Because of that, I try to be honest instead of objective. Nobody can be objective. Every one of us select what thing wants to view or hear or write. Because of that exist judges and a justice system.
And this is it.
My world.
My process.
Thanks for all.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Capital Punishment: A Crime

Capital Punishment is not THE solution to reduce criminality, because is an animal behavior took the life of someone, even if he or she is a murder. Capital Punishment is a criminal behavior like the murder do with homicides. With death penalty, criminal stats have the same behavior such in states that have not that maximum sentence.
In the other side, applying capital punishment can turn the justice into injustice. In the United States of America, one of each seven condemned man was free of charges, innocent people who didn’t have the opportunities to rehab himselves or get any chances to defend his innocence before the juror and the judge.
Also, that penalty is linked with the behavior of the entire society, with things like racism, discrimination, authoritarianism, etc. In USA, there are more black man that white in jails.
Homicides didn’t occur, in the major of cases, with premeditation. This kind of crimes happen with assaults or steals with fireguns. And happen wherever in the world, with or without capital punishment.
So, the government have to operate into the place of the criminal: poor families. And, they don’t have to forget the rich criminals. So, the government have to act to change the culture of abuse, present in our society. And make a change in the educative programs. The educative programs must have changes in values, and they have to extend to the families and social sectors.
Also, the government must have to reduce the number of drunk people, by reducing bars and pubs, and increasing the liquor taxes.
I think the criminality is increasing, owing to the fact that the mass media believe and make believe us that. Mass media make generalizations of every crime in Santiago, a city that have the 40% of the total people in Chile. So, by stats, Santiago has more reports of crime than other regions. And mass media focus they attention in Santiago.
But, Santiago is not Chile.
In 2004, I was a victim of a steal in Valparaíso. A man tried to take my cellphone, but I defended myself and I took the initiative and I banged him to save my cellphone. I was successful, and I recover, finally, my cellphone.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Christmas. =)

My favorite festivity is Christmas!, I love thaht holiday, because is full of joy, happiness and charity to the poorest people. I always spend it with my family, at home, in Los Andes.
Well, as a family, we decorate the entire house with garlands, decorative balls. Also we cook the entire christmas's dinner, with a big turkey marinate in white wine, with orange liquor and some nuts. I go to visit to my friends, and we give each other some gifts, like scarfs, greeting cards, pencils, etcetera.
The last holiday we spend it as a big family, with my two granmothers, my aunts and uncles, cousin and some close friends. We share a bid dinner, with music, some games. We took photos, record videos and laught a lot. It was in my uncle's house, in Los Andes.
I would like to do, this year, to go to the beach. I would like to spend christmas in the sand, with my beloved one, at the night stars.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

That's my gadget.

My PC. That's my favorite piece of technology. It's a little bit old, but it works yet. It came from a garage sale, of a computer rent store. I bought it in CL$40.000 or US$75, with a color monitor included. That was good.
I decided to install into it Ubuntu, a Linux distribution that I consider better than Windows.
I use it to make my works, from university and others kinds of jobs from any people. I make websites for several professionals, that want me because others peoples recommends me. Also I use it for check the works from my alumnis in the university and listen some music when I do the “home things”, like wash the dives and glasses, and that kind of stuff.
I use it everyday, when I can. The first thing I do when I get home is turn on the PC. It’s placed in the living room, because it doesn’t fit into my room. I like it because contains all the software that I use and I cannot find in other pc. My life without a PC would be a little boring, causing me a disconnected state from the world, because I use my PC to read the e-newspapers too.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My friend.

The buddy I ever wish

Where I met my best friend?...The magic thing happened when I was in my second year studying journalism. I was taking part in the student movement, taken by the alumnis during the '07's fall.
Him was (and is) a student of my career, but a year lower. His name is Sebastián and is 21 years old. I met him into the central house of my university, while all was sleeping. We started to talk about the evilness of the goverment, and we shared some cigarrettes and coffee. Since that moment, we started our great relationship.
I consider him my best friend because he shared with me all his thoughts, his troubles and his happiness too. I do the same, inviting him to a coffee to talk, or whatever. We go out to enjoy the night, drink some drinks, and all that stuff.
I remember when we was, one day, without money and we have a lot of hungry. So, he ran to a supermarket, and bring some food. But I thought "ok, he brings some food, but we have no money". When he cames back, he told me "run!". So, I didn't know what to do, so he tooks my arm and we started to run. The guardians was behind us, but, finally, we lose they during our escape. Nice. Hehehe.
Now we used to study together, watch some movies, share our music and eat tasteful food.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My practice and Quintero

Ok. This summer I was performating my professional practice. But, in previously years ago, my vacation's place was Quintero, placed on the fifht Región de Valparaíso. The vacation house is near to the center of the town, and is close to a bakery, a hospital and a fireman's house.
The house haves three shacks, that we, as a family, share with others through the season.
The house, like the others, is so near to the beachs, because we have to walk only 5 minutes to reach any of them.
Also, is near from the center of the city and Viña del Mar (30 minutes).

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Great Movement

I was sleeping when the big movement begins. I didn't felt the signs of the earthquake, but my mom did it. She woke me up, but I didn't know anything about the world. I was sleeping yet.
But, when the ground beguns to get unstable, I started to try to stand, but I was not able to do it.
My mom, always quiet, waits for the end of the earthquake, so I did the same.
So, when all finished, me and my mom got dressed and ran to my grandma's house.
She was so nervous, but nothing so terrible. In my city nobody gets any hurts on they bodys or buildings.

I learned...I learned to stay quiet and calm during the earthquakes. :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

This is me.

Who is me?
I'm a student, an OLD universitary student from Chile. I'm 24 years old, and I live in Santiago. Before to live here, I lived in Los Andes, with my parents. I had to travel everyday, during four years, to the university. One day, I make a desicion: No more travels everyday, four hours a day. No. That's get me tired and a little annoying.
So, I looked for a cheapy house, with a three classmates, near of Santa Lucia subway station.
Now, my preferences.
I like to listen some music, like ABBA, Shakira, Yellowcard and Yakanoshi Arisawa (the last one is a japanese classic music composer). Also, I like to cook and bake. I spent so many time doing that, specially in weekends.