Thursday, May 6, 2010

My friend.

The buddy I ever wish

Where I met my best friend?...The magic thing happened when I was in my second year studying journalism. I was taking part in the student movement, taken by the alumnis during the '07's fall.
Him was (and is) a student of my career, but a year lower. His name is Sebastián and is 21 years old. I met him into the central house of my university, while all was sleeping. We started to talk about the evilness of the goverment, and we shared some cigarrettes and coffee. Since that moment, we started our great relationship.
I consider him my best friend because he shared with me all his thoughts, his troubles and his happiness too. I do the same, inviting him to a coffee to talk, or whatever. We go out to enjoy the night, drink some drinks, and all that stuff.
I remember when we was, one day, without money and we have a lot of hungry. So, he ran to a supermarket, and bring some food. But I thought "ok, he brings some food, but we have no money". When he cames back, he told me "run!". So, I didn't know what to do, so he tooks my arm and we started to run. The guardians was behind us, but, finally, we lose they during our escape. Nice. Hehehe.
Now we used to study together, watch some movies, share our music and eat tasteful food.

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