Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My process

This is it. An entire semester writing a blog give me the opportunity to practice my english like a personal diary, where important parts of my life was put on the table, in a single way, like write this blog.
I enjoy a little bit this process, because I have not so much habit to write. I know I must do it, but sometimes is something impossible to me, because I not think in words. I think in pictures, images. So, is very difficult to me take that pictures on my head, and transform them into words. But, I know I will be a journalist in a near future, but I want to be a visual journalist, a web journalist.

Perhaps I have to say something.
Write this blog help me to familiarize with the practice of write english along the entire class. I know that write is the base of all the learning process. All of we have to learn when we was children was get some basics skills in read and write, because our world -a legacy from the antique Greece- was building and is being build by words. We describe the world by words, because -and this is the legacy- greek people thinks images was a lie and the words was the real things by the world can be represented.
Anyhow, now the world is build by images and not so much by word. This is a contradiction, I know. But, the world, as we know it, now is dominated by the mass media, and the entire press moved their contents from words to images, transforming the process of understanding the knowledge. All of this supported by the internet and the new type of media: social web.
And the new social web is build by images, audios and videos, all together, because people wants to show everything that they live in their lives. And that are experiencies, that are more than just words or images by separated things. People creates, into social media, info flows, merging feelings and reality. And more of they flow are pictures and videos, embed into pieces of words. That are called the new kind of text.
And that is what I try to say now. We are now embed into a world build with this kind of text, richful and complex.
That's why I don't write. I build texts, with images, videos and audios that says much more than a simple piece of words. Each picture, each video, each audio contains itself a lot of info, and as words are, it also are political ways to share individual worlds. No one of us are neutral. Our texts always haves a particular point of view, because we are political beings. Because of that, I try to be honest instead of objective. Nobody can be objective. Every one of us select what thing wants to view or hear or write. Because of that exist judges and a justice system.
And this is it.
My world.
My process.
Thanks for all.

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