Monday, August 30, 2010

Tastes and smells from France

I have a dream.
One of the biggest dreams that anybody can have. Take a trip all over the world. But, I would like to visit a country especially: France.
Why? I don’t know. Maybe it would be because of its culture, its tradition or its language. But I always dream to walk into its parks, avenues and buildings.

France is unique. That says my history books and History Channel, at least. A friend told me that France is a melting pot of people, and the French people are complicated when the others don’t know their language. I think that is fascinating.
The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of France

So, if I travel –in a not very distant future- to France, I would like to know its museum and restaurant, especially from París. Then, I would like to travel to the coast, and take a trip along the French Atlantic. Later, I would like to go into the French Alpes, and know the culture inside the mountains. And, obviously, take a taste of its cheese.

If I visit France, I would work and travel at the same time, eat and touch all the things I could. Also, I will know a lot of people, have a lot of fun and…I don’t know.


  1. I love this country. I like its language!!! is very sexy! Kiss Bachi

  2. Nice picture!! Eduardo. I think that France is a great country for visit.
    I think that you will go France you visit the Moulin Rouge!!!

  3. A racist but a beautifull country!!

  4. I have a miniature of Eiffel Tower, dear Eduardo. I agree with Pablo: is a racist but a beautiful country. Well, maybe the only racist is their President. A clown, as ohter we know...
